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Every week I will be posting new articles, pics, and videos on whats going on in our economy and the ever changing world around us. Along with my personal commentary and tips on what you can do to prepare for the economic fallout that is quickly approaching. God Bless!

Disclaimer: This blog is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an recommendation or offer to purchase any security, investment product, or service of Criner Investments, LLC or it’s affiliates. Criner Investments is invested in physical Gold, Silver, mining companies, and precious metal based ETF's.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Perpetual QE foreva!

QE3 was announced yesterday, right on schedule.  This more than likely will give the stock market enough steam to keep it from topping out, and having a serious market correction before the November election.  The fact that Bernanke announced QE3 while the S&P 500 was at multi-year highs shows that i)they knew something bad would happen if they didn't do it right now, and ii)this is an extremely political move to help his friend Obama look good.  

Gold and silver moved sharply higher off of multi-month lows a couple weeks ago, both breaking through multi-month descending trend lines.  This IS the next big move in Gold and Silver.  The last year has given all of us plenty of time to accumulate the physical metal cheaply, and or move more assets into physical metal.  This time silver will go through $50, and Gold through $2000.  They have just announced perpetual QE forever!  The Fed said they will continue to buy mortgage backed securities until things look like they are improving.  Well I've got some news for ya, their zero interest policy now through 2015 is exactly what is killing the economy!  So things are virtually guaranteed to never get better!  I am still sticking to my guns that next year will be a horrible year for the economy, the stock market, and our freedom.  Eventually the stock market will not increase on new rounds of money printing, and this stock rally will not be as much as the last two doses of QE.  Each new round has had less and less of an effect, until it has none at all, and then the game is pretty much over.  

What this means is extreme dollar devaluation, higher prices(oil has already spiked), and a large shift to inflation-hedging assets.  These are the last stages of a collapsing empire, almost textbook historically.  It is very easy to see where things go from here, if you are willing to open your eyes and see it.  I wish everyone good luck.

This article below is just a warning as to how your investments are treated today in a big financial firm.  If you keep a lot of money with a big financial firm, and that firm files for bankruptcy, do not expect to get a penny back.  They do not keep client funds segregated anymore, and they WILL use your account money as collateral in bankruptcy court to pay off their debts and expenses.  This has happened twice now with very large firms, MF Global(billion dollar plus) and Peregrine Financial(multi hundred million).  This is another reason I push precious metals so hard, if you don't hold your asset in your hand, you do not own it!  This also goes to those who keep their precious metals in safety deposit boxes.  When this whole thing comes crashing down, and you need your gold and silver the most, the banks will be closed!  It is called a bank holiday, and it could last from weeks to months.  It happens for several reasons, and a financial crash is the main one.  This is a repeating historically documented event designed to separate you from your assets and money.  So be aware!  This is the new reality, and the future is not pretty.  But there are still things you can do to protect yourself.

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