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Every week I will be posting new articles, pics, and videos on whats going on in our economy and the ever changing world around us. Along with my personal commentary and tips on what you can do to prepare for the economic fallout that is quickly approaching. God Bless!

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Implications of Greece exiting the Euro, and the next financial crisis.

Spot the difference: Money printing, then and now
Just the fact that these guys are teasing about hyperinflation is very worrying, and shows they have no idea what the implications of what they are experimenting with are.

So this is interesting.  So Europe just started its QE program(money printing).  We did it for 5 years and will eventually have to start again.  China and Japan have both had printing programs, with Japan's being the craziest.  So it is obvious that the central banks have decided to print money instead of austerity to save the local economies.  This is the important part that you must grasp, and this graph shows just why one should be worried.

The 2008 financial crisis starting point was letting one single investments bank fail, Lehman Brothers.  The U.S. government nor the banking sector realized how interconnected their financial debt instruments were, and almost brought down the entire worlds financial system!  Greece has been bailed out several times in fear of a separation from the European Union could potentially have the same effect, as all these large banks carry these countries debt instruments, and once again are intertwined maybe even on a larger scale.

The new ruling party of Greece that was elected last night, is determine to remove Greece from the Euro!  And even if they somehow figure how to remove Greece without causing a disruption in the financial system, the last financial crisis needed almost an immediate 15 trillion dollars to patch all the liquidity holes.  That number is now much larger as the printing programs have continued and become a normal way of life, but this cannot continue as history shows us what happens!  And the only way to stop this would be to stop printing this instant, let the world economy tank, and no bailouts for the first casualties which would cause widespread contagion and bring the house down anyway.  There is only one way out of this mess, and the governments and central banks have shown their hand.  The printing during the next financial crisis will be astronomical, and this is where you will see the wheels start to fall off.  This will also be where gold and silver make their next move to unprecedented levels.

Our next president will not be able to pull us out of this mess, if we even make it that far before the next crisis hits.  These are the things I was warning about back in 2010 starting to come to fruition, and they have very deep and dark implications.  We are talking WW3 as failing governments grasp for power, as power shifts from the west to the east.

It's right in front of us like a slow moving train that no one is stepping out of the way of. And when it goes down, you're either ready for it or you're not, there will be no second chances.  And you better have your money out of the financial system by then.