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Friday, March 16, 2012

Terminated CBO Whistleblower Shares Her Full Story With Zero Hedge, Exposes Deep Conflicts At "Impartial" Budget Office

And deeper into the rabbit hole we go. I know I have been pounding the table about corruption in government, but this is more absolute evidence that numbers are being fudged, and extremely important issues are being swept under the rug. These are Harvard and MIT professor's with Ph.D.'s advising the government inaccurately, and terminating anyone who doesn't share their views. This is absolutely ridiculous, as diverse views in extremely important future and current issues helps to cover all aspects of what could go right or wrong in various policies. So now it is obvious that the government's view of certain issues are being blurred by their so called "professional advisers".

So now we have to assume a couple things about the graduates coming out of these Ivy League schools, from which our famous Obama, Bernanke, and several others have graduated from. Either the information they are taught about finance and economics is bad information, or someone else is behind the scenes pulling the strings here. And I am pretty sure it is a bit of both. Let me explain. Most colleges teach Keynesian economics in some form or another, and I believe at its extremes in the Ivy Leagues. Keynes was the one who believed in using stimulus and money printing during bust cycles to help boost the economy. Well we have Keynesian policies in overdrive right now, as we are printing ourselves into oblivion to cover massive deficit spending. Isn't it funny how virtually no one talks about the other side of the coin? That maybe Keynes was wrong? That maybe things aren't getting better because we are using the same failed policies? Well Ron Paul talks about it very openly and bluntly, and we all know what the media have to say about him now don't we? Right wing conspirator, crazy, and nutty libertarian come to mind. These guys beliefs that they are right is so entrenched in their mind, that if you think differently you are either shot down, re-located, or fired. To me that smells trouble, big time.

But at the same time central bankers of nations all over the world control the monetary policy of each of those nations, and in turn force the hand of the governments of each nation. And if they are all Keynesians(which they are) then it's easy to see why we are headed where we are. But, and this is a big but, there is something going on here that can't be denied. When you read what she has to say about her experiences with her superiors at the CBO, how they get rid of her, and how shady it all seems, you really have to ask what is really going here? I know there is lobbying, and those guys have a huge influence over legislation that is passed. But this is different. Reading the article you can feel the fear from these guys who railroad anyone with a different opinion, and then get rid of them as they expose the truth to the very people they are trying to hide it from.

"After my termination, Director Elmendorf stated that I should have followed directions from the more knowledgeable and experienced Chief Economist Lucas, taken the opportunity to learn from her."

Even though this woman had a Ph.D. herself, it is very obvious from this statement that her opinion was neither needed nor wanted, unless it lined up with their views. Unfortunately I feel this is all too common, and deeply ingrained throughout the culture of Washington. And until this changes, real change will never be allowed. And it is truly unfortunate that it is a high probability that we will never find out what this "dark force" is that keeps these officials from telling the truth, and more importantly why they cover it up as if their life depended on it.

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