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Every week I will be posting new articles, pics, and videos on whats going on in our economy and the ever changing world around us. Along with my personal commentary and tips on what you can do to prepare for the economic fallout that is quickly approaching. God Bless!

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Monday, March 14, 2011

The road to QE3 and the U.S. rigged stock market

You know it's amazing that as soon as some headlines come out saying "The economy is getting stronger!  We no longer need quantitative easing and the government's help.  Things are turning around!" and that's exactly when the stock market falls out, and starts its decline.  Throw a huge devastating earthquake in the mix, a war in the middle-east, and you have one hell of a fallout.

Now, with the stock market going up every day, and fudged government statistics coming out on a monthly basis, it's hard to not think things are at least getting a little better.  But let me clarify and re-assure you, they are not.  The big boys of wall street know this. And they know that without some market intervention from the Federal Reserve and their crony bankster friends, the market as a whole would be tumbling and volatility would be out the wazoo.  Remember that they do not care about your retirement, or your 401k.  They are focused on making cash, and lots of it.  Bet you didn't know that the average time a stock is held on wall street, is less than 30 seconds.  So much for the "buy and hold" for the long term strategy BS that they sell you.  This is no self sustaining recovery.  It is a government perpetuated recovery, and without it, the whole lot would come crashing down. They know it, and you should to. 

This is why unless you are a trader, your assets, and especially your retirement should be no where near this mess. 

This is the truth we can rely on.  When the Federal Reserve comes out and says we will be buying a specific amount of Treasuries and Securities for the next (throw in any number) months/years.  You can now smile, because we have evidence that the market will be propped up for a few more months, and it's all aboard the gravy train from here.  That is until that time starts to run out (like it is now), and they aren't so sure they will continue the tax-payer fraudulent and corrupt program.  Let's call it for what it really is, since we are all being duped to think things are getting better.  But their plan is backfiring as this is becoming ever more mainstream, and having a less of an effect on the overall market(s). 

And as they pretend to wind down their beloved QE program, the market starts to fall, volatility increases, and people start to panic.  Before all this negativity can spark a market reversal, and start the trend down, they step in.  This is generally the last step before the Federal Reserve magically shows up and announces another round of securities purchases, and voila!  The birth of QE3, QE4, and so on. This whole process happened at the beginning, and end of QE1, and ultimately is what gave way to QE2.

Well guess what?  We are on that last step, with even more global and economical harbingers.  Buckle your seat belts, and get ready for QE3.

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